Westwood Nursery

We grow quality native plants for most areas of South Australia.

Our Westwood Nursery provides a huge range of native seedlings from 42 vegetation zones across the state. We can grow an order to suit you. As a production nursery we also service some of TFL’s largest on-ground works including the Paddock Tree Project and our professional services unit TFL Works.

Our plants

We are known for the quality and suitability of our plants. We grow over 300 different indigenous species of trees, shrubs, groundcovers and grasses, and unlike most commercial nurseries, we are prepared to invest in local provenance and hard-to-grow orders. Our native plants are grown, propagated and nurtured by our experienced nursery staff along with the support of volunteers.

How to order

Nursery orders are welcome at any time. Orders for summer-sown species close 30 November each year while orders for winter-sown species close 31 July. Contact us to order seedlings

Retail season

If you want seedlings for your garden or project, Westwood Nursery’s retail sales season begins with our Annual Garden Plant Sale at the start of June, through to the end of September each year. For more details and to book, follow this link. To attend the nursery on other dates, please call us on 08 8406 0500 or email [email protected] to make an appointment.


Since 2001, the Westwood Nursery has developed a reputation in the environmental industry for customer service and supply of quality provenance seedlings at an affordable price. Nursery staff also provide training workshops in native plant propagation and care. Our nursery is named for Betty Rutherford Westwood, one of Trees For Life’s founding members and a well-known advocate for revegetation.

Order your nursery seedlings

To place an order with our nursery or obtain a quote, call us on 08 8406 0500 or email our nursery staff.